March 14, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)
Welcome to DUVASU University


Prof. (Dr.) A.K. Srivastava, a distinguished Veterinary and Animal Scientist, has joined as Vice-Chancellor, DUVASU, Mathura on 4th June 2022. Prof. Srivastava  is alumni of this College, did his graduation and post-graduation in Veterinary Pharmacology from College of Veterinary Science, Mathura. He obtained Ph.D. from Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana and Post Doctorate Fellowship from Institute of Toxicology, Munchen, Germany. Besides, Prof. (Dr.) Srivastava has also been honoured with Degrees of Doctor of Science (D.Sc. Honoris Causa) from DUVASU, Mathura and NDVSU, Jabalpur.

Prof. A. K. Srivastava Vice Chancellor, DUVASU, Mathura, U.P.


Uttar Pradesh Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go-Anusandhan Sansthan,  Mathura, find first of its kind in the State and fourth in the Country, was established by Government of Uttar Pradesh vide U. P. Act. No. 27 of 2001 on 25.10.2001 with the College of Veterinary Science & AH., the erstwhile U.P. College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Mathura as its main constituent College.

Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go-Anusandhan Sansthan University

Admission Notice For Session 2024-25

B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. Programmes
in College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry

B. Tech. (Biotechnology), M.Sc./M.V.Sc./M.Tech. (Biotechnology),

Ph.D. (Biotechnology) Programmes
in College of Biotechnology

B.F.Sc. Programme
in College of Fisheries Science

B.Tech. (Dairy Technology) Programme
in College of Dairy Science

Diploma in Veterinary Pharmacy and Diploma in Livestock Extension
in Institute of Para - Veterinary Sciences

For details and Online Application Form

Revised Last date  of Online registration and submission of application form and Entrance Examination dates 

Old dates Revised dates
Last date of online registration and submission of application  forms (UGEE, PGEE & DEE) 20-04-2024 18-05-2024
Undergraduate Entrance Examination (UGEE-2024) 26-05-2024 09-06-2024
Post Graduate Entrance Examination (PGEE-2024) 09-06-2024 07-07-2024
Diploma Entrance Examination (DEE-2024) 23-06-2024 No change