March 15, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Institute of Para Veterinary Science old

The Institute offers the following two academic programmes:
Name of the programme Duration
1. Diploma in Veterinary Pharmacy (DVP) : 2 years 3 months.
2. Diploma in Livestock Extension (DLE) : 2 years.

DUVASU takes pride in having started the need-based diploma courses in Veterinary Pharmacy and Livestock Extension in the state. These diploma programmes were started with the financial support under “Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna” in College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry in 2013 under self-finance scheme and since then, these programmes are going on successfully. Realizing the importance of livestock resources, veterinary education has been strengthened over the years, however, in view of the limited availability of qualified veterinary graduates, it is not possible for government to make their services available in each and every village. Further veterinary doctors too require well-trained supportive staff to cater the technical services more efficiently. Veterinary Pharmacists and Livestock Extension workers are essential for efficient veterinary services which include healthcare and management of livestock including artificial insemination services at village level. They also assist in public health services and control of zoonoses, endemics and epidemics under the guidance of expert veterinary professionals.
Therefore, in view of the requirements of trained human resource in the state of U.P., DUVASU decided to establish the Institute of Para-Veterinary Sciences. Efforts are also going on to get this Institute fully-funded from Government of Uttar Pradesh so as to run the Diploma Programmes also on the similar lines as other academic programmes in College of Veterinary Science.