March 15, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Organizational Setup

Administrative setup of University
(flowcharts, detail of authorities,  statutory committees, officers)

The organizational structure of the University follows the state agriculture (SAU) and academic university pattern. The policy making functions of the university are exercised by different authorities focused at field of education, research and extension activities.

A. Authorities of the university

1. Executive Council: The executive council of the university is the principal executive body empowered to supervise and control the affairs of the university with the Vice Chancellor as its chairman. Setup of executive council is presented hereunder.

2. Academic Council: The academic council is the principal academic body of the university having the control and general regulation of, and is responsible for the maintenance of standard of instruction, education and examination in the university. The flow chart of academic council is presented hereunder.

3. Finance Committee: The finance committee of the university is to advise the executive council on matters relating to the administration of the property and funds of the university. The flow chart of Finance committee is presented hereunder.

4. Examination Committee: Examination committee of the university supervises, generally all the examinations of the university including pre-veterinary test, moderation, tabulation, appointment of examiners, reviewing the results and make the recommendations to academic council for the improvement of the examination system.  The flow chart of Examination committee is presented hereunder.

5. Board of faculty: Board of faculty is for framing the curricula for undergraduates and post graduate programmes and to make recommendations to the academic council for the establishment of new departments, abolition / subdivision / or otherwise reconstitution of the existing departments. Dean of the faculty is the Ex- Officio Chair man of Board of faculty, and faculty secretary is elected on the basis of consensus amongst the faculty members. All Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors of the faculty will be the member of the faculty.

6. Research Advisory Committee: The research advisory committee will be the policy making body on research activity of the university with vice chancellor as its chairman and director research as member secretary the committee. Setup of this committee is given hereunder.

7. Extension Advisory Committee: The extension advisory committee will be the policy making body on extension activity of the university with vice chancellor as its chairman and director extension as member secretary; the setup of this committee is given in the flow chart hereunder.