March 15, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Animal Industry & Business Management

Although animal husbandry is not an organized sector in India,  yet India became the largest milk producer in the world. Similarly, poultry production has also increased several folds during the last almost 25-30 years and has developed into a real entrepreneurship. National Dairy Development Board, Anand and Cooperative Dairy Federations in different states in the country have been instrumental in giving real shape and impetus to White Revolution in India and also organizing this sector. As a result of the well conceived and executed efforts of State Govts and Union Govt., milk and poultry production and their products have already attained the status of a semi-organized industry in the country, however, there is far more scope for this Industry to flourish with the proper utilization and processing of meat, wool, and other by-products of animals.

Production of any raw material is a significant component of any Industry. But success, sustainability and growth of any sector including Industry depends on the marketing of finished products after value addition. Over the years, there has been a substantial improvement in production of animal or poultry products. But quality assurance of the products and professional and strategic marketing have been on the back seat due to lack of well qualified and trained professionals who have the expertise and can give a fillip to animal Industry and business management in a highly professional manner and make it not only a source of livelihood for poor and marginal farmers or livestock owners but also give impetus to promote it as a global trade. Therefore, there is an urgent need of producing trained and competent human resource in the field of animal industry and business management.

Producers of raw materials, may be the farmers, marginal farmers or small-scale producers, are minimally benefited and probably share the least gains from any business commodity. Value addition and professional marketing is the real crux of any raw material for optimal and maximal returns. It is worthwhile to mention that the livestock sector has shown very sustainable and rapid growth over past few decades. Realizing the importance and scope of this sector in the economy of the nation and the state, Govt. of UP decided to set up the UP Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Pashu-Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go Anusandhan Sansthan in Mathura in the year 2001 vide UP Act No. 27 of 2001 for promotion of animal husbandry related activities in the state. An envisaged in the Act of the University, this University will have five constituent Colleges including College of Animal Industry and Business Management. Five years after the establishment of this University, we propose of starting this important College from the academic session 2007-08.


  • To impart quality and need-based formal education in the field of animal industry and business management i.e. generating trained human resource for animal enterprise management;
  • To produce knowledge for handling emerging animal industries and develop liaison and symbiotic relationship with the industries dealing with animal products and marketing for more effective practical training and exposure of the students;
  • To undertake strategic research in need-based and frontier areas for promoting animal products-related business based on the domestic and international demands and market; and
  • Economic assessment and profitable criteria for low, medium and large animal industry operation.
  • To promote entrepreneurship not only in formally educated students but also progressive farmers and livestock owners and evolve strategies for improving their profitability from animals related business; and
  • To promote livestock product marketing – analysis and strategies.


Small to medium-sized businesses represent the largest and fastest growing segments in the country and the state and contributed maximally to the regional economy and so is the case with animals and poultry production. The animals industry and business management specialization is designed for students who wish to seek entry-level management positions in existing firms, prepare for management of a family-owned business, or start a new business. In view of the population explosion and shrinking land holdings, there is lot of scope for animal and poultry production and its related business to flourish and provide employment and livelihood to poor and marginal farmers and other people. Therefore, there is need to introduce training programmes and courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in animal industry and business management in a phased manner to cater to the need of well trained and educated human resource who understand the basics and intricacies of the animal products Industry and business management. The program will provide the skills necessary for the owners or managers of a small- to medium-sized business related to animal husbandry. Courses combine theory with workplace-proven techniques and strategies to provide a firm grounding in the principles of management, accounting, supervision, computer technology, communications, and business policy.

Accordingly, the University will start with the FOUR YEARS DURATION Bachelor’s degree programme i.e. Bachelor of Animal Industry and Business management (BAIBM) in the first Phase starting from the year 2007-08. From the next Five Year Plan starting from 2012-13, the University will start the postgraduate degree programme in the related field and subjects.

Thrust Areas:

  • Demand survey and strategies for promoting animal products for human consumption.
  • Demand survey and strategies for livestock, poultry and pet feed and feed supplements.
  • Assessment of global demands for livestock and poultry products and strategy development to promote their exports.
  • Generation of well trained and qualified human resource who are skillful enough in dealing with intricacies of business management related to animal products Industry.

This College will have the following six Departments:

  • Department of Livestock Resource Assessment and Entrepreneurship
  • Department of Animal Industry Management
  • Department of Livestock Products Policy and Research
  • Department of Human Resource Development
  • Department of Animal Products Marketing Management
  • Department of Post Marketing Strategies and Business Management