March 14, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Go Anusandhan Sansthan

Cattle rearing in India are as ancient as Aryan civilization. Aryan considered cattle as source of wealth. Dairy farming has an important role in socio-economic development of small farmers in India. Cattle are an integral part of agriculture in India, try and are likely to be the Instruments of future growth and development of the agricultural sector. They generate employment, provide draft power and manure, and earn foreign exchange through exports. Although the per capita consumption of foods of animal origin is low in India, demand has been rising due to the growing human population, sustained growth in per capita incomes, and increasing urbanization. This demand driven growth, besides improving food and nutritional security, can benefit millions of landless and small landholders. The issue that needs addressing is how current output trends of 4–5% per annum can be sustained without disturbing the equilibrium between crops and livestock. Improving food supply from animals through higher livestock numbers (as in the past) is now severely constrained due to the feed-fodder deficit and declining per capita land availability. Technological and management options are the only alternatives to accelerate the growth in productivity, which is currently low. A number of livestock technologies are available for field application, but they are yet to gain wide acceptance. This poses several questions for researchers, research administrators, and policy-makers: Is the technology economically feasible and tested on-farm in different farming systems? To what extent have farmers’ perceptions and needs been taken into consideration in the design of the technology? Have proper pathways been followed to transfer the technology? The Sansthan is working to help answer these questions by providing a farmer friendly solutions to the problems related to sustainable cattle rearing in Indian conditions.

Mandate of Go – Anusandhan Sansthan

  • Establishment of nucleus herd of hundred breedable cows of Sahiwal and Hariana breed each as envisaged in Gokul Gram Mission project granted to the University by Government of India for conservation of these two breeds
  • Production of genetically superior bull calves of Sahiwal and Haryana breed
  • Production and maintenance of genetically superior frozen semen at the semen bank
  • Distribution of disease free high genetic elite bulls for natural service in villages
  • Dissemination of genetically superior frozen semen to goshalas and livestock owners of Mathura region for up-gradation of their non-descript and low producing indigenous cows
  • Establishment of bio-gas plant for demonstration purposes
  • Enhancing milk production and productivity, promotion of quality A2 milk and value addition of milk products
  • Valuation of other ‘Panchgavya’ products like cow urine, cow-dung, whey, milk and ghee
  • Demonstrate the technology to formulate fortified organic manure and alternative Panchgavya based agro-chemicals to be used as resource for organic farming
  • To generate data base of specific physio-chemical attributes of indigenous cow products and exploring the possibility of comparison with that of exotic breeds of cow in collaboration with AYUSH Department, GOI
  • To provide technical backstopping to goshalas of Mathura region in establishing nucleus herds of indigenous cows, genetically superior bulls, feed and fodder and ITK about cow products and establishing market network for A2 milk
  • To undertake disease surveillance in goshalas of Mathura region including zoonotic diseases, sub-clinical parasitism and suggest measures of controlling and containing the diseases
  • To organize the training programs for technological capacity building of goshalas and livestock owners


Task force for Go – Anusandhan Sansthan

Dr. Deepak Sharma (Director)
Professor & Head
Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding

Dr. Satyendra Pal Singh (Deputy Director)
Associate Professor
Department of Animal Genetic & Breeding

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh (Member)
Professor & Head
Department of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension Education

Dr. Vinod Kumar (Member)
Associate Professor, Animal Nutrition

Dr.Rajneesh Sirohi  (Member)
Assistant Professor, LPM

Dr. Dilip Swain (Member)
Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Physiology