March 14, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Madhurikund Farm :

Madhuri kund Farm is located about 30 km away from main campus. It in most interior part of Govardhan Tehsil

Having an area of 1396 Acre. About 650 acre area is under cultivation and 175 acres is under social forestry. Rest land is salt affected having vilayati babool excluding 150 acre under building roads and irrigation Channels. Canal water is the main source of irrigation.  Recently four submersible tube wells are also established on the sides of canal to assure the irrigation during unavailability of the canal water.  Most underground water has saline. In Kharif season, commercial paddy and til are grown. In Rabi season seed production of wheat is taken for National Seed Corporation and UP seed Development Corporation, mustard seed production for Directorate of Rape seed and Mustard, Bharatpur (Rajasthan).  Fodder oats and berseem seed is also produced at farm and supplied to farmers through animal husbandry department of Uttar Pradesh. Commercial barley is also grown in considerable area.


Dr. Ravindra Kumar Rajput
Incharge (Madhuri kund Farm)
Mobile No.: +91-9453515850, 8868871549