March 14, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

Network of DUVASU Alumni Society (NDAS) Mathura

DUVASU, Alumni Corner

It is not only the education from our college or university, but many more things, so it is imperative that we try to give as much back and this giving back may be in many forms, one is by staying connected with your seniors and juniors. Role of Alumni for the institution as said by someone that today student is tomorrows alumnus, lets begin with what you can do, you can give back to your Alma mater much more like an expert in your field you can provide counseling to young students who can soak themselves in the sea of your knowledge and experience. So if you’ve been long forgotten your Alma mater, rectify the situation and Get registered in the Network of DUVASU Alumni Society. Please share and comment as it will help make a reach into the DUVASU fraternity.


Details of office bearer and members of Management Committee: 

Sr. No.

Name of Person


Mobile No.





Dr. Anil Kumar Srivastava


Chief Patron





Dr. Pankaj Kumar Shukla







Dr. Ajay Prakash




+91 9412827598




Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh




+91 9412331895




Dr. Gulshan Kumar


General Secretary


+91 9956106424




Dr. Udit Jain


Joint Secretary


+91 9412404583

7 Dr. Neeraj Shukla Joint Secretary



Dr. Pawanjeet Singh




+91 7017861057

9 Dr. Vijay Yadav Member
10 Dr. Ravindra Kumar Tiwari Member
11 Dr. Uttam Singh Member +91 7078459149
12 Dr. Seema Singh Member



Dr. Avneesh Kumar




+91 9456836130




Dr. Muneendra Kumar




+91 9045546435,  +91 7906165969




Dr. Rajkumar Singh Yadav




+91 8439490936, +91 8218007603




Dr. Vinod Kumar Singh




+91 8650122166




Dr. Mamta




+91 9719577803




Dr. Rashmi




+91 7017379997

19 Dr. Susheel Kumar Member +91 9450703718


Life Members of Network of Alumni Society (NDAS) Mathura Click Here   


Distinguished Alumni:

Sr. No.

Name of Person


1. Dr. A.K. Srivastava Vice Chancellor DUVASU Mathura
2. Dr. RR Shukla FAO Consultant, New Delhi
3. Dr. RK Singh Director-cum-Vice chancellor (IVRI, Izatnagar)
4. Dr. RPS Tyagi Vice-chancellor (HPKVV, Palampur) and Member (ASRB)
5. Dr. AK Mishra Vice-chancellor (MAFSU, Nagpur)
6. Dr. UB Singh Vice-chancellor (CSAUAT, Kanpur)
7. Dr. MBL Bhardwaj Vice-chancellor (CSAUAT, Kanpur)
8. Dr. MP Yadav Vice-chancellor (SVBPUAT, Meerut) and Director (IVRI, Izatnagar)
9. Dr. PN Bhatt Director, IVRI,(Izatnagar); DDG (Animal Science) ICAR, Chairman, Task Force on Animal Biotechnology, DBT, New Delhi and Chairman, World Buffalo Trust
10. Dr. SK Ranjhan Director, Hind Agro Industries Ltd. (Aligarh); Joint Director, Indian Veterinary Research Institute (Izatnagar); Chief Technical Advisor on Buffalo Research and Development of FAO/UNDP Project in the Philippines
11. Dr. AK MIshra Vice-chancellor (MAFSU, Nagpur)
12. Dr. HC Pant Advisor, National Dairy Development Board, Anand
13. Dr. Lal krishna Animal Husbandry Commissioner, GOI and ADG (AH), ICAR, New Delhi
14. Dr. D Swaroop Director (CIRG, Makhdoom)
15. Dr. JM Kataria Director (CARI, Izatnagar)
16. Dr. BP Singh Director (HSADL, Bhopal)
17. Dr. BN Tripathi Director (NRC Equine, Hisar)
18. Dr. KP Pant Director (CIRG, Makhdoom)
19. Dr. NN Pathak Director (CIRB, Hisar)
20. Dr. DP Singh Member (UP Public Service Commission)
21. Dr. BBS Yadav CEO, UP Livestock Development Board
22. Dr. Rajesh Varshney Director, Animal Husbandry Department (Govt. of UP)
23. Dr. IP Singh Dean, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences (Pantnagar)
24. Dr. G Chandra Dean, College of Veterinary Science, Mathura
25. Dr. JN Dwivedi Dean, College of Veterinary Science, Mathura
26. Dr. RC Pathak Dean, College of Veterinary Science, Mathura
27. Dr. R Pandey ICAR National Fellow
28. Dr. PP Gupta Addl. Director Research, PAU, Ludhiana
29. Dr. Rishendra Verma Joint Director, IVRI, Izatnagar
30. Maj. Gen. RN Kacker AVSM, ADG RVS
31. Lt. Gen. P.R. Venkatesh PVSM, SM, DG RVS
32. Dr. Gopal Krishna Director/Vice Chancellor, ICAR- CIFE
33. Dr. Brig YVVSR Murty Commandant EBS Babugarh.


Event Photos of Alumni Meet on 16 January, 2023: 


Upcoming Meet : 2nd Alumni Meet on 06,07 and 08 December, 2023 in DUVASU, Mathura