March 14, 2025
Phone: +91-0565-2471178 (O)

University Challenges & Targets

Challenges :

  • Concept of integrated farming which includes agriculture, livestock, poultry and fishery has been recognized as “high power engine” for sustainable agricultural and rural economy. Therefore, to translate the idea into reality, it is imperative:
  • To produce Veterinarians and other technocrats related to animal health and allied sectors who become “Job providers” not the “Job seekers”;
  • To substantially improve the faculty strength to a level which not only commensurate with the minimum requirements as per the specifications of Veterinary Council of India for under-graduate teaching; but also to meet the growing demand of faculty for PG teaching.
  • To improve laboratory facilities for imparting quality education including training of postgraduate and doctoral degree students in an attempt to make them capable enough to meet the current and emerging challenges;
  • To re-establish and achieve at par research excellence through optimized internal and external research fund support from the State and Central Govt. agencies; and
  • To muster sufficient financial support in conformity to what a Veterinary University needs under resurgent economy and global education and trade scenario.
  • Challenges enumerated above have to be faced through concerted efforts of University Academia with full support from Government of U.P., ICAR and Central Government.

Targets :

  • To revamp teaching programmers and “Teaching Methodologies”, set up e-learning class-rooms, introduce net-based “virtual class-rooms” and promote e-teaching and learning;
  • To set up “State of the Art” Instructional Livestock Farms, Demonstration Units, Veterinary Clinical Complex, Disease Investigation and Research Laboratories;.
  • To achieve at least 15 per cent increase per annum in the number of University graduate and postgraduate students qualifying for national competitive examinations;
  • To produce competent and skilled clinicians, entrepreneurs and livestock business managers and team leaders;
  • Faculty up-gradation, filling vacant teaching posts and creating faculty positions in newer proposed faculties in the University;
  • Encourage faculty members to garner more financial assistance from outside agencies through externally funded research projects and support at least one University funded research project in each department to give impetus to research;
  • As per University Act, to obtain state support for generating trained and competent human resource in fisheries, biotechnology, livestock products technologies and industry and business management through designated colleges/faculties; and
  • To augment University receipts.